A trip to Sunway Lagoon (I'll tell you some tips!)

and in that moment i swear we all were luke robert hemmings

Hello fellow readers! (If i ever had one lol)

Yesterday, I went out for a girls' day out with my friends. We went to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park. It was really fun and I've to admit that Sunway Lagoon was totally wicked.

We started our journey in 8.30AM. If you are going to Sunway Lagoon on weekdays, of course you've to deal with the jam road with busy people who are going for work. We've been through that yesterday. But it was worth it. We came early and we could get into the SL early too. Oh, and they opens SL every 10AM and we arrived in 9.30AM. Don't forget to bring your IC so that you guys can get RM90 per person (after discount price) hehehehe (Don't forget to take one of the maps at the entrance)

Next, you must pay rm50 for topup. With that topup, you can buy/rent for a locker or a buoy. The topup will be load in your admission ticket. Only one person i guess, because we only reloaded rm50 in one of our friends' admission tix. They won't accept cash. If you want to reload, you can reload it in the theme park. Per locker cost RM20. A double tube cost RM30 (They'll give the deposit back. Just redeem it at the exit counter. 

This time wasn't too crowded because we arrived early so yeaaaay! Normally people will go to the theme park first. But, we went to the water park first because look at our dressing! We wore a swimwear though D: 

Then, we rented a locker. As I mentioned above, 20MYR per locker. It was pretty small D: We only put our barang berharga like purse and handphone in the locker. AND NEVER PUT YOUR SHOES OUTSIDE THE LOCKER OR ELSE THE WORKERS WILL THROW YOUR SHOES. seriously, this happened in front of me. The worker asked me 'whose shoes is this' I told her that I don't know because it wasn't ours. So she just put the shoes in the big black plastic and I was like "OMG?" 

Firstly, we rent a bouy. 3 double tube. But then, we just you know, give it back because most of the games like vuvuzela (and anything related) didn't use the tube so it's kind of wasting so yeah. But, it's up to you guys if you guys want to rent or not but make sure there's someone who gonna look after it or otherwise it will get stolen. Ours almost got stolen lol. If you guys want to take pictures, make sure you bought a special case for your phone and it's useful to put money too. 

(above: splashing water with not-so-hot day wow just amazing!! Cool things, they played 5sos and before you exit's songs!!)

(above: me and my fav girl hehe this tunnel is quite scaryyyy D: and this was our last time using the tube because non useful for me lol)

(above: my bestfriends since we were in form 2 YEAYYY)

(above: sorry for my ugly face D: idk why i made that face ughhh. If you guys want your phone to be safe to use in water/pool, make sure buy the special case okay. It's sold in SL itself but it must be pretty expensive because even a bottel of mineral water costed 4MYR)


Important things to do in SL of course experiencing their cool games! Our first activity after having a good times soaking ourselves in the pool was watching 5D movie (how I wish they would play 1D's movie lol) It have been my second times watching the 5D movie. Still, got scary by stupid pirates in the movie arghhh. We went there twice because there were no a lot of people in queue :)

(above: I think this was us waiting in queue for 5D movie. Second rounddd)

And then, we decided to experience their new attraction, Vuvuzela. Damn, that was scaryyy. You guys should try it! I've a video of it (well, my friend did recorded it) and my face was so derppppp!!
We tried that twice too! My advice is, if you're having a bad back, please don't go upstairs. Because the stairs is no joke. And please don't bring small kids. There was a kid who cried because she was too scared D: and please bring 4-6 people because the tube can put 4-6 person in once. And, the pool attendant wasn't too friendly. hmmmmm....

Later, we went for a queue for another games. Just around the vuvuzela, you guys should can find it. At the amusement park, there is another 'permainan air' but most people said that we couldnt go to the amusement part with wet clothes so we didnt went to the amusement park to play the 'permainan air' :(

And then, we played in the pool for a while. In 1.00PM, we decided to go upstairs, which is where the extreme thingy located. hehehehe....Oh and, we didnt have lunch in SL :( Because so expensive lol we ain't a rich kids tho..

We went for err well that pusing-pusing thingy. I don't really remember lol. It wasn't scary at all. After that, we went to Tomahawk (my fav game) but it was closed for a while because someone puked (eww) so we decided to go to where roller coaster located.

(above: we were waiting for our for our turn for roller coaster wuwuwuuww)

I don't know how 5 Seconds of Summer recorded their 'Try Hard' music video on a roller coaster??? This roller coaster is really short but damn scary (don't blame me, it was my first) I've been thinking to sing Try Hard too but lol SCREAM ALL THE WAY it was scary. 90 DEGREEE? are u kidding me :((

Next, we went back for Tomahawk hahahahahahahahaha. It was opened. So, I thought "well, this is my second. apa de hal" lol and then, when the thing went for 90/360 degree OMGG WHAT WAS THAT IM GOING TO FALL NOOOO I HAVENT MEET CALUM HOOD OR 5SOS OR HARRY STYLES OR 1D OR INFINITE OR LEE HOWON DON'T PLEASE

yeah overacted D: It was so scary. I think I lost my soul after I got out from Tomahawk. Only my body je was there T_T Then my friend told me to go for another second round, I was like 'r u crazy no girl i wont take a risk babe' T_T wow so scary. I kept screaming MUM, BILA BENDA NI NAK HABIS YA ALLAH 

Later, they went back for another round for roller coaster. Okay, I didn't joined. I'm tired. So tired. It was so hot and my head was spinning as hell. I couldn't even got up properly. 

Then we climbed stairs and that was tiring. They went for games but I just kept sitting and take care of their belongings.

(above: I've LOST MY MIND. I haven't have a meal and I'm tireeed)

After that, we went to Sunway Pyramid (really close lol) and started to dig in!!

Oh yeah, one more thing. There will be some workers that will take your photos and give you some hmm ticket [?] we didn't buy the photos because expensive doe so I just threw the ticket lol bad me. 

That's all for now. If you've some big question mark on top of your head, do ask me! lol byeee :) --xx


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